Contrat local d’éducation artistique (Local artistic education contract)

The local artistic education contract (CLÉA) is a residency- artistic mission meant to reach out to the residents of a region. These residencies are based on the three building blocks of artistic and cultural education: artistic experience, cultural practice and the sharing of skills. Les Ateliers Médicis hosted two CLÉAs in 2018, 2019 and 2020, with the city of Clichy-sous-Bois, the city of Montfermeil and the DRAC Île-de-France.

For the chosen artist or the artistic staff, the idea was to choose an experimental approach and a transmission process based on artistic creation, showing and explaining the research he or she is doing as well as the processes. The goal is not necessarily the completion of a piece, rather it is the shared experience and its extensive documentation. The residencies-missions CLÉA run for a period of six months. There is a concentrated work period, followed by the artists being on site in Clichy-sous-Bois and Montfermeil. The selected artists work in close cooperation with CLÉA’s partners, the Ateliers Médicis and the cities, as well as with other artistic, cultural and social players from the region.

For whom is CLÉA intended?

Artists or artistic staffs residing in France are invited to apply, across all disciplines (architecture, visual arts, new media, film, dance, writing, music, cultural heritage, photography, theatre, circus, performance art). Candidates may submit a project after having filled out their applications. The projects are selected by a committee consisting of members of the DRAC Île-de-France, the Ateliers Médicis, the city of Clichy-sous-Bois and the city of Montfermeil.

  • 2021 - Tracer sa voie/ voix (Charting his/her course/hearing his/her voice)
  • 2020 - VOST une jeunesse en version originale sous-titrée (Youth in its original language with subtitles)
  • 2019 - Que veut la jeunesse? (What do young people want?)
  • 2018 - Faire société, inventer la langue (Creating a society, inventing a language)

Thank you to all our partners: CLÉA is a structure under the direction of the Ateliers Médicis with the cities of Clichy-sous-Bois and Montfermeil, with support from the DRAC Île-de-France.